Browsing CategoryBusiness

Have You Met Customer Expectations from Day One?

  Whether you have been running a company for years now or you’re new to the business world, you likely understand the importance of keeping customers happy. Face it; unhappy customers have the potential to take your business in a direction you certainly do not want to go. That direction is typically known as being buried deep in the red financially or even out of business. That said meeting customer expectations doesn’t have to be as hard as it may seem for some folks. With a little ingenuity, a little effort to see where businesses your size are trending, and…

Have You Factored in How to Pick a Factoring Company?

If your business has seen better financial days, where do you put the blame at? In some instances, the overall economic climate can be to blame for your business having some financial matters to tend with. Meantime, you could be dealing with a simple (yet unnerving) problem of not having customers always pay you on time for purchasing products and/or services. As a result, you have fallen behind to one degree or another. If this sounds like your business, you can’t simply hope to catch up at some point and time. Taking care of the matter sooner rather than later…

Staying Relevant in Today’s Marketplace

Just as we saw in 2015, mobile bookings are the name of the game for hotels. Equally important is easy access to reviews, information, and simple purchasing. When it comes to the mobile screen, travelers want to make as few clicks as possible. Online data should be more visual that text based and next steps should be as visible as possible. It is imperative that hotels ensure that their online experience is the best experience possible. From search engine results to online booking engines, those hotels that embrace and succeed with the ever-changing technology will outpace their competitors. With over…

A List of the Top Reasons Why it’s Better to Buy a New Van than a Used One

If you’ve been in business for a while and realise you need a van, then we should congratulate you – it means your business is both improving and expanding or it’s growing in a direction you haven’t anticipated yet. Either way, it’s a good sign and with some smart decision-making, your business is sure to profit after a while. If you’re buying a van for the first time, you may be tempted to think buying a used van is a better idea than purchasing a new one. Unfortunately, you’re wrong. It’s tempting to think so – especially if it’s your…

Surprising Ways to Figure Out Your Dream Career Path

When growing up, you probably had an idea in your head of what you wanted to be when you “grew up”. Perhaps you dreamt of being a firefighter just like daddy, or a nurse just like mommy. On the other hand, maybe you wanted to be a zookeeper or a racing car driver. Whatever your childhood aspirations, you probably lost the way somewhere along the line and despite your youthful yearnings, are now stuck in a dead end job you hate. The reality is that most people don’t end up in their dream job. Yes, life sucks. It would be…

10 Criteria for Selecting a Superior Board Portal

You’ve finally decided that it’s time to move your organization into the paperless age – not just because board binders are heavy, cumbersome, and inefficient, but because you’ve heard that board portal software is the most secure way of distributing information. That much is true: other digital distribution methods such as email, Dropbox, and Google Docs are simply not secure enough to guarantee the confidentiality of highly sensitive materials. They may simply not meet the organization’s own bylaw requirements for security, either. The issue you have to face now is choosing which one to use. There are many different board…

How to Find a Great Deal on Commercial Properties  

In recent years many investors have chosen to go into the commercial property market, following 2008’s economic crisis, prices went into free-fall and whilst many savvy investors picked up great deals at this time, many avoided the market as it was unstable and very volatile. The market has leveled out in recent years and now is a great time to invest in commercial real estate. Getting a great deal on properties requires a lot of careful planning and work on your behalf, here are some tips to help you make sure you can get a great deal on your next…

Infor Keeps Growing While The Competition Is Losing Ground

Every single person that wants to learn more about the business world eventually ends up analyzing the cloud industry. That is because more companies from around the world end up making the shift towards the cloud. Out of the different companies out there on the market at the moment, the one that always ends up being in the center of the media’s attention is Infor. Karen, the wife of Charles Phillips, Infor CEO, is even covered in the media at the moment because of the huge success of the company managed by her husband. Infor is a relatively interesting example…

Five Questions to Ask Yourself Before Sending a Report

Companies are always looking for candidates with high impact writing skills. You can do yourself a favor for your next job application by signing up for business skills writing workshops. You can’t master professional writing skills all at once, though. As you’re developing your business writing skills, here are five questions to ask yourself before sending a report to your boss or that proposal to a client. 1. Does the material address your audience’s expectations? Course leaders at skills training companies like Wavelength train you to identify your audience and decide how to write for them. You will learn how to…

Keep Your Business Schedule on Track

Given all the time (and likely money) you have invested in your business over the years, do you ever get the feeling like you are still falling behind? Unfortunately, that is the case for countless business owners, business owners who could find their doors closed sooner than later if they are not able to turn things around. In order for you to best avoid being one such business owner, it is imperative that you have your schedule down pat day after day. By doing so, you lessen the odds that you will have a business where coordination and time management…