Are you happy with where your career is at as 2017 unfolds?
If the answer is no, what do you plan to do about it moving forward?
For countless professionals, advancing their careers can be a tricky proposition.
On the one hand, some people get involved with companies where there is little or no room for advancement.
On the other hand, some professionals end up spending many years at businesses where it means getting more education (advanced degrees etc.) in order to move up the corporate ladder.
No matter where you find your career at these days, it generally can never hurt to have as much education as possible.
That said what will you do in the New Year in order to advance your career?
Moving up the Corporate Ladder
So that you are able to better position your career in the New Year and beyond, keep a few pointers in mind:
- Education – For starters, make sure you have all the necessary education required to excel in your current job, along with any potential advancements at your present company or another employer. If you are in need of online bachelor degree programs, do you know where to find the best ones available? Unlike the days of yesteryear when professionals would have to spend hour after hour in a classroom to secure bachelor degrees, the Internet world has changed that. If you are looking to take your career to the next level in 2017 and beyond, getting an online degree is likely certainly within your reach. One of the advantages of pursuing an online degree is that you are able to study for your classes at your convenience (see more below). That is especially important when you are holding down a full-time job, perhaps with a part-time gig on the side too. If you have not already, do a general Google search of online degree opportunities in your area, determining which one best suits your needs to take your career forward;
- Studying – Speaking of studying for your classes at your own convenience a moment ago, don’t forget that being a disciplined studier is something you can’t overlook. If you are working full-time, that typically leaves your studying time for evening hours (or earlier in the day) if you work say at 3 to 11 shift. Even though taking and studying for online classes gives you more flexibility, make sure you are clearly able to focus on those studies. If you have a family at home, be sure to impress upon them that your studying time is just that. Although you won’t be taking classes and studying for multiple years at a time, you will need to focus on the period of time necessary to complete your degree. Find a room in the house (or even go to a local library etc.) where you won’t be distracted and disturbed.
What Does Your Career Require?
- Requirements – Finally, what does your present career require in terms of being able to take your job to the next level? If it means more education, check to see if your current employer will fund a portion, perhaps even all of it. In some cases, businesses will help employees with getting the additional education they need, oftentimes in return for a commitment from the worker to stay with the company longer. It does not hurt for you to sit down with your boss and discuss how you receiving more education, especially with the online class component in play, will help both you and the company. As companies see that having more educated employees is good for business, expect them to want to help in one form or another.
If taking your career to the next level in 2017 means adding more education to your resume, what are you waiting for?