Posts Tagged“cars”

What You Need To Consider Before Buying Your Next Car

Buying a new car is pretty exciting and in my experience, the excitement never gets old regardless of whether it is your very first car, or you 15th. I have learned through the years that it is very important that you strip the emotion out of buying a car if possible and focus on the cold, hard facts of functionality, affordability and practicality. To give you an example of the mistakes that you can make, a few years ago I bought myself a sports car, a two seated convertible. I actually went to the dealership with every intention of picking…

Your Miracle Vehicle – 5 Tips For Choosing the Car of Your Dreams  

We all remember that moment when we first got our license and thought this is it, complete and utter freedom in the car of my dreams. Granted, in reality it is a little bit different. Our parents usually play a large part in choosing the car and that is usually something plain, simple and safe. Despite this, we all maintain that dream, that ever elusive ultimate motoring machine in our minds. But when it comes to living that dream how do we know what to look for. Here are 5 tips for choosing the car of your dreams. 1.   …