Posts Tagged“South America”

4 Places to Fall in Love With Right Now

It’s a long running joke with friends that where ever I travel, I fall in love with the place and want to move there. For some the romance starts with ancient architecture and age-old traditions, others it is the simple pleasures of white sandy beaches and tropical waters. While the reality of day-to-day life may take the shine off some places, these four romantic destinations are sure to make your hearts flutter. BALI, INDONESIA Bali offers visitors more than just picturesque scenery. It is a world of ancient culture and spiritualism. It’s unique traditions will have you returning year over…

What to see when visiting Bogota

With unfounded fears that many harbor about how things were in the distant past, Colombia has become one of the best-kept travel secrets in Latin America. There are many destinations here that are worth your time, but in all likelihood, you will begin your trip in Bogota. As one of Latin America’s most exciting capital cities, it is certainly worth a few days. If there’s one thing that you need to know however, it is that street crime can be a serious problem here. While most people visit Bogota without incident, one of the potential dangers involves corrupt taxi drivers…