Posts Tagged“technology”

Have You Met Customer Expectations from Day One?

  Whether you have been running a company for years now or you’re new to the business world, you likely understand the importance of keeping customers happy. Face it; unhappy customers have the potential to take your business in a direction you certainly do not want to go. That direction is typically known as being buried deep in the red financially or even out of business. That said meeting customer expectations doesn’t have to be as hard as it may seem for some folks. With a little ingenuity, a little effort to see where businesses your size are trending, and…

Staying Relevant in Today’s Marketplace

Just as we saw in 2015, mobile bookings are the name of the game for hotels. Equally important is easy access to reviews, information, and simple purchasing. When it comes to the mobile screen, travelers want to make as few clicks as possible. Online data should be more visual that text based and next steps should be as visible as possible. It is imperative that hotels ensure that their online experience is the best experience possible. From search engine results to online booking engines, those hotels that embrace and succeed with the ever-changing technology will outpace their competitors. With over…